Hi John,

All of us at the National Immigrant Justice Center (NIJC) are grateful for your invaluable support this past year. Your support provides access to justice and keeps communities and families together—families like Mayra’s.

After fleeing years of violence in El Salvador, Mayra came to the United States to protect herself and her two sons. She struggled to find an attorney to help with her asylum case. Thankfully, a family member told Mayra about NIJC and she received the help she needed.

“When I arrived to my appointment, I immediately felt a sense of comfort. It felt like the shoulder I’ve been needing to lean on since I had arrived,” Marya said.  

Mayra won her asylum case. She and her sons obtained work permits, and they now have good jobs and are able to pursue their dreams. Mayra recently graduated and received a diploma in nutrition, and hopes to buy a home and a car soon.

Mayra shared, “we are happy and thankful to have our work permits. This way, we can grow personally and be without fear. This is just the beginning, and it’s never too late.”

Mayra with her sons, Gabriel and Carlos.

Your compassion and support has given Mayra and so many other people the opportunity and security to build new lives for themselves and their families.

On behalf of Mayra and the many other people NIJC serves who are building lives here in the United States, thank you! We are tremendously grateful for your support.  

We wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!

With gratitude,

Samantha Ruvalcaba
National Immigrant Justice Center


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