We are so excited to announce that STOP THE TRAFFIK is part of the 2023 Big Give Christmas Challenge! This means when the campaign goes live next week, all donations through Big Give will be doubled! 

In the past year alone, we reached 12 million vulnerable people around the world, providing safety information and support to keep communities safe from exploitation. Next year, we want to reach even more at-risk individuals around the globe. 

If everyone reading this email gave just £4, we would meet our fundraising target, allowing us to continue preventing, and disrupting human trafficking and modern slavery at scale.

We will be sending another alert when The Big Give Christmas Challenge goes live next week. If you are thinking about making a holiday season donation this year, please consider donating to STOP THE TRAFFIK, and together, we can create a world where no one is bought and sold. 

Hear more about our mission directly from our CEO in her groundbreaking TEDx talk

In a powerful and inspiring TEDx talk at the inaugural event in St Albans, Ruth Dearnley OBE, CEO of STOP THE TRAFFIK Group, delivered a compelling message: “We won’t stop trafficking unless we share.” This sentiment, central to her presentation, emphasises the critical role of information and knowledge sharing in addressing the persistent issue of human trafficking.
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