[[link removed]]URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Friend, toxic pesticides are
KILLING vulnerable pollinators and putting our food system at risk! Act Now! >>
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This holiday, you can thank bees and other pollinators for the wide variety of
food you may find on your table. These insects pollinate one in three bites of food we eat -- from apple pie to squash casserole, your table would look bare without bees.
Even delicious holiday spices like nutmeg and cinnamon depend on pollination.
But bees are dying off at an alarming rate -- putting future feasts at risk. A
key driver in their decline is bee-killing pesticides called neonics, which have
made agriculture nearly 48 TIMES MORE TOXIC to bees in the past two decades. Recent studies have shown that widespread use
of neonics can be harmful to humans -- especially children -- even being linked to cancer! And the EPA plans to APPROVE bee-killing neonics for another 15 YEARS. Please, sign your name NOW and tell the EPA to STOP the use of these pesticides
before it’s too late for bees!! >>
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[[link removed]]The widespread use of neonics threatens many wild pollinators with extinction. Over the last two decades alone, the Western Bumblebee has dropped 93% and the American bumblebee has declined
by 89%. We can’t let neonics continue to harm these vulnerable pollinators.
If the EPA approves neonics for another 15 years, it will be putting Big Ag’s
profits above our pollinators and ecosystems and threatening our food supply in the process. We need to ACT NOW to save vulnerable pollinators. Please, Friend, will you sign your name immediately to
stop neonics from KILLING bees, harming human health, and our planet? >>
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[[link removed]]Thanks for taking urgent action to save bees!
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