A Short Practical Exercise


I want to share a practical exercise that could make a real difference in your life. Take a moment, sit down, and ask yourself: "What is something I'm doing wrong, something I can fix, and something I'm willing to fix?" This isn’t just a thought experiment. It's a serious question, and it requires your honesty.

Reflect on this question, and you'll find an answer. It might not be the answer you want, but it will be the one you need. Once you have it, challenge yourself. Test your limits. How much discipline do you have? Can you work 12 hours a day? Find out where your limit is, and then work up to it, sustainably.

Remember, this is about balance. You don’t want to burn out by having too much fun or working too hard. The goal is to push yourself in every possible way, but with a clear aim: to become a better, more competent person.

I’ve spent decades studying personality, and I've packed all that knowledge into my Discovering Personality course. This 5-hour lecture series offers more insights than a typical semester-long university course.

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I look forward to welcoming you on the course,

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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