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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | November 21, 2023
In the U.S., an estimated 46 million turkeys are killed each year for Thanksgiving. That’s 46 million social, curious, playful, and affectionate animals who are slaughtered for the sake of a single meal. 

In our video, The Life of a Turkey, we introduce you to Abby and Emma. For turkeys like them, Thanksgiving is not a time of celebration; rather, it marks the conclusion of a brief and cruel existence within the confines of the animal agriculture industry.
Will you stand up for turkeys this holiday season?
Abby was born for the sole purpose of producing eggs. She never knew her babies, as her eggs were collected and sent to a hatching facility. Abby may have lived for up to a year, but her life was painful and difficult. She was regularly artificially inseminated and had trouble walking due to being grossly obese due to unnaturally rapid growth through genetic manipulation. She never saw the outdoors and never flew, instead living her life on waste-soaked floors. 

Emma was one of Abby’s numerous babies. Immediately upon hatching, she was cast onto a conveyor belt heading toward a sorting machine, joining thousands of other recently hatched turkeys. Unfortunately, many of these babies suffered injuries or became entangled in the machinery. Those who were harmed found themselves discarded into a container, condemned to endure further suffering.
Click here to help turkeys like Abby and Emma
Is all this cruelty justified for a single meal? The most effective way to put an end to this suffering is by opting for a vegan diet. For guidance and recipes, explore

This holiday season, you have the power to make a meaningful difference for farmed animals. Your contribution today will play a crucial role in unveiling the reality of the suffering imposed on animals like Abby and Emma by the animal agriculture industry, empowering more people to refuse to support this cruelty by going vegan.

Thank you for your compassion and support.

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. Want to help animals all year round? By signing up to become an Animal Impact Maker, you’ll become a critical member of the support team for our undercover investigators as they document the atrocities of the animal agriculture industry. 
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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