Check your voter registration status today.

Dear John,

Pledge to check your voter registration status!

Here’s a shocking statistic: Between 2016 and 2018 an estimated 17 million Americans have been scrubbed from voter rolls. 

Are you one of them? 

Sign the petition today: Take the pledge to check your voter registration status to find out if you’ve been purged.

The single best way you can stop the climate crisis is to vote climate deniers out of office! But you can’t vote if you’ve been purged from voter rolls!

The fossil fuel industry knows this — and so do the politicians bankrolled by dirty energy. As voter roll purges surge nationwide, it’s vital that we all make sure we are still registered to vote.

Go check your voter registration status today — it takes less than a minute.

More and more people are connecting the dots between global warming and the climate disasters affecting their own lives, but when people are denied the right to vote it becomes harder for them to advocate for policies that benefit their communities.

Election officials remove voters from rolls when they move to another state or die  but Americans are being removed from the voter rolls for far more dubious reasons. Data shows that voter roll purges disportionately affect disadvantaged communities and communities of color. The same frontline communities most impacted by climate change! Protecting these communities from the worst consequences of the climate crisis begins with getting climate deniers and fossil fuel cronies out of office. 

If your vote didn’t matter they wouldn’t be trying so hard to keep you from voting.

Sign the petition and take the pledge to find out if you’ve been purged.

The stakes around this election couldn’t be higher. Don’t wait until election day to be told you are not eligible to vote. Take action today.

Thanks for all you do,

Mike Tidwell
Executive Director
Chesapeake Climate Action Network


Have you heard of our advocacy arm, CCAN Action Fund? CCAN Action Fund aims to create change in public policy through voter education, lobbying, and participation in the electoral process. Like CCAN Action Fund on Facebook to stay in the loop:

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CCAN is building a people-powered movement for bold and just solutions to climate change in the Chesapeake region of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. We also act as "first-responders" to federal action on the climate crisis and inspire climate action across the country.

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