Welcome Wednesdays is Here!
Welcome Wednesdays is a new weekly series that will feature interviews with MRS' network across the country. You can watch the first and second videos in the series.
For more information, please check out: https://www.usccb.org/welcomecircles
Welcome Circle Volunteer Spotlight
The USCCB Welcome Circle program has helped establish nearly 90 groups of five or more people and families supporting nearly 250 newcomers from Ukraine, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Over 1,100 volunteers have stepped up to be part of a Welcome Circle.
Leaders of a Welcome Circle in Seattle, Carla and Jim, discuss employment opportunities for their Ukrainian family in this video clip. They share lessons learned through initiating this Circle in this clip. They offer recommendations for folks considering sponsoring refugees in this clip.
For more information, please check out: https://www.usccb.org/welcomecircles
JFI Prayer and Devotional Resources
Please take a moment to look over our webpage of prayer and devotionals, which you can use as you contemplate the situation confronting migrant populations and how we might respond to their spiritual and material needs. We hope that as you reflect on migration, it will inspire you to learn more about both what is happening on the ground and what the Church teaches on this issue. Check back regularly as we will provide new prayers and other spiritual reflections that will help you to respond to the Gospel call to welcome the stranger.
If you have not done so already, be sure to read and reflect on Pope Francis’ most recent World Day of Migrants and Refugees message and related resources, which focus on some key concerns related to the migration experience. Also, feel free to send us prayers and spiritual devotions that your parish or religious community has created so we can share your resources. Thank you!
Pastoral Migratoria Nacional Advent Reflections 2023
Please see the message and share the resources below from our colleagues at Pastoral Migratoria in the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Dear Brothers and Sisters of Immigrants,
We hope that these Advent reflections help you meditate and contemplate the migration of God into our world and prepare us to welcome Jesus into our hearts and homes every day of our lives through the face of strangers.
Kindly share our Advent reflections (English) with your contacts. Thanks in advance!
National Pastoral Migratoria
Estimados hermanos y hermanas de los Inmigrantes,
Esperamos que estas reflexiones de Adviento os ayuden a meditar y contemplar la migración de Dios a nuestro mundo y nos preparen para acoger a Jesús en nuestros corazones y hogares todos los días de nuestra vida a través del rostro de extraños.
Por favor, compartan nuestras reflexiones de Adviento (inglés) con sus contactos. ¡Gracias de antemano!
Pastoral Migratoria Nacional