We need the Ending Corporate Greed Act.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John.

I can’t tell you how many people in Washington are confused about why people aren’t thrilled about the economy. They point to all these stats and numbers while completely missing one obvious thing:

Our economy is set up to benefit the richest corporations and billionaires at the expense of normal working people!!

That’s why I introduced the Ending Corporate Greed Act alongside Sen. Bernie Sanders. If you’re with me, sign your name here👇🏿


No wonder people feel like the economy isn’t working. Housing, higher education, groceries, and so much more are becoming more and more expensive.

One major reason: Corporations keep raising prices. Not because they need to cover costs, but just to make bigger profits. It’s obscene.

The bill that Sen. Sanders and I introduced would impose a 95% tax on the windfall profits of corporations with more than $500 million in annual revenue. Small businesses would be unaffected – but giant corporations scamming consumers would have to pay their fair share.

Imagine if corporate profits were properly taxed and could support our public schools! That’s just the beginning.

Help me make it happen. Sign your name and let’s get our economy working for the people. 💪🏿


Peace and love,
