It’s because of your support that the Drug Policy Alliance has been able to fight so hard to undo this disastrous drug war and end the criminalization of drugs and the people who use them.
Now activists are working to make history again with a groundbreaking campaign to expand access to treatment and health services for people who use drugs instead of subjecting them to the criminal justice system.
The proposed ballot initiative, the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act, or IP 44, seeks to change Oregon’s drug policy to a more humane, health-centered approach. If it passes on Election Day, it will significantly expand access to treatment, heath, and harm reduction services – and will stop the punishment of people struggling with drugs by removing criminal penalties for low-level possession.
While your support has helped us win other battles, we still must continue to fight for progress. Please stand with us during this crucial election year by activating your 2020 membership.
Friend of DPA
Friend, can we count on your gift of $14, $26, or perhaps $35?
Your gift now will support our groundbreaking efforts to end this war. Please sign up to become a DPA member online today.
Any amount you can give will help reshape drug policies in the United States. Arresting people can’t be our country’s primary drug policy. We need policies that help people, not handcuff them. Together, we can make that a reality.
With gratitude,
Joe Salas
Membership Director
Drug Policy Alliance