The Long Run PAC

Today is a big day for Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Supreme Court will begin hearing oral arguments on a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s heavily gerrymandered legislative maps.

This case could strike down one of the most aggressively gerrymandered maps in the country. Fair maps and competitive races could return to Wisconsin in 2024.

With fair maps, we’ll finally have the opportunity to win a legislative majority and undo the damage Republicans have caused across Wisconsin.

So please, can you contribute $3 to our special fund dedicated to flipping the legislative majority in Wisconsin? Your contribution will help us turn Wisconsin blue up and down the ballot.

This is huge. And it's possible because YOU helped elect Justice Janet Protasiewicz in April, bringing a liberal majority to the Supreme Court for the first time in over a decade.

For 12 years, Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature have abused their power to silence the voice of Wisconsinites.

They’ve forced through voter suppression laws, attacks on unions and collective bargaining, and kept in place Wisconsin’s draconian 1849 ban on abortion.

Now is our chance to unseat those Republicans and turn Wisconsin blue up and down the ballot.

If you can, please contribute $3, or whatever you can afford, to our fund to win Wisconsin and take back the legislative majority.

Our fight for Wisconsin continues, and I hope you will stand by my side.

- Mandela Barnes



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Paid for by The Long Run PAC, P.O. Box 597
Milwaukee, WI 53201, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.