You’ll be providing the funds needed to serve more young people every day, month, year...
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We know you’re committed to saving young LGBTQ lives. Just by being a part of our online community, you’re helping spread awareness about Trevor’s mission. You are the reason our life-saving and life-affirming work is possible.
Now, I’d like to offer you another opportunity to partner with the Trevor community for good: Would you join The Trevor Project’s community of monthly donors? ([link removed]) Monthly donors fund our work year round, creating the stability we need in order to be a reliable resource for more LGBTQ young people.
Our monthly donors ensure we can:
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* Provide free, confidential, 24/7 crisis services through call, text and chat to reach youth when they need us, where they need us
* Train crisis counselors to better serve LGBTQ youth in crisis
* Advocate for federal and state policy change to protect youth
* Conduct innovative and one-of-a-kind research to inform all aspects our work
* And more...
** Will you become a monthly donor to support LGBTQ youth every month this year? ([link removed])
Become a monthly donor ([link removed])
With gratitude,
The Trevor Project
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** The Trevor Project ([link removed])
The Trevor Project is the world’s largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.
© 2020 The Trevor Project. All rights reserved. PO Box 69232
West Hollywood, CA 90069 | ** Unsubscribe ([link removed])
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