Friends --
Wow! Did you see how high the turnout was for Virginia’s Democratic primary elections? It was nearly double what it was in 2016, at a total of 1.3 million!
We MUST keep this energy going and get Democrats to turn out in record numbers in November. Will you make a donation to help us lay the groundwork?
As exciting as it is to see this level of enthusiasm from Virginia Democrats, we can’t take it for granted. After all -- even this record turnout was just 21% of the electorate. It’s going to take hard work to generate the number of votes we’ll need to win in November. We have to:
Register tens of thousands of new voters.
Make hundreds of thousands of phone calls.
Knock on doors all across the Commonwealth.
Get the message out to every voter about why we need to elect Democrats to move Virginia -- and our country -- forward.
In short, we’ve got to make sure Democrats destroy previous turnout records for the general election -- because that’s what we’ll need to defeat Donald Trump. Will you pitch in now to help us do it?
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