John, did you see Wayne’s message from last week? You can DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT right now if you donate just $10 to Center for a Humane Economy with our $25,000 Giving Tuesday match.
These issues matter to us—and we know they matter to you too. We only get one shot at this, so help us make it count! Donate today to double your impact!
Original Message from Wayne Pacelle:
Friend, who are you choosing to support on Giving Tuesday? Here’s why I think it should be Animal Wellness Action.
Giving Tuesday — a global day of generosity that millions participate in every year — is just two weeks away. One of our generous donors is helping us kick off the holiday season with a $25,000 dollar-for-dollar match, giving us an opportunity to unlock a total of $50,000 in just one day!
That’s right, every dollar you donate starting right now through November 28 will have DOUBLE the impact. Join me now with a $10 donation to help us get ahead of our ambitious $25,000 goal on Giving Tuesday.
If you have saved your payment information with FastAction, your contribution will go through immediately on clicking a button. |
Here's what your gift to Animal Wellness Action will do:
- By succeeding with our Kangaroos Are Not Shoes campaign, we can spare 1.5 million kangaroos a year over the next 5 years – for a total of 7.5 million of the animals
- By passing national legislation to ban live exports of horses for slaughter for human consumption, we can prevent the butchering of 110,000 of them over the next 5 years
- By banning the factory farming of mink for fur, we can spare 7 million of these solitary semi-aquatic animals from being electrocuted or having their necks broken over the next five years
- By enforcing the FDA Modernization Act, we can spare 5 million dogs, primates, and other animals the torments of new drug testing in laboratories.
Your support helps Animal Wellness Action work year-round to save animals and stop animal cruelty across the globe. We’re working without relent to put a stop to the night-time massacre of Kangaroos for shoes that can be made with better, more sustainable, and humane fabrics; the slaughter of perfectly healthy horses for meat in Canada and Mexico; and the death of millions of roosters and dogs conscripted into death matches in illicit fighting pits throughout our nation.
This $25,000 match means your dollars will do even more to advance our cause. Can you give $10 right now to help us reach this critical goal and sustain our work for the coming year?
With more resources, we can save more lives and deliver results for millions of animals at risk of life and limb.
Thank you in advance for your steadfast support of our work. We couldn’t do it without you.
For the animals,
Wayne Pacelle
Animal Wellness Action
P.S. Mark Giving Tuesday on your calendars so you don’t forget to give anytime between now on November 28!
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