From Townhall Spotlight <[email protected]>
Subject This could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make, friend.
Date November 21, 2023 2:14 PM
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Dear friend,

Wondering who we are? We're Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM), an alternative to insurance for over 40 years. We've proudly served hundreds of thousands of members, satisfying nearly $10 billion in healthcare costs. When you join, you’re taking back your freedom with flexible care options and the ability to choose a healthcare provider you trust. CHM members carry each other’s healthcare burdens in a covenant with other Christians.

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

How it works for you

Save up to 40% on healthcare costs compared to insurance. CHM programs start at under $100 a month. Low out of pocket costs and all dependent kids fall under one unit.

Provider icon
You can enroll anytime and choose the healthcare provider you trust when you switch to CHM. The Guidelines outline which medical expenses the CHM family takes care of.

Community icon
As a member, you gain the support of a values-based, Christian community that shares eligible medical bills on your behalf.

See how CHM works
Hear it straight from our members

CHM allowed Mike Tisdell to be able to start his own business. When he finally had a medical need, it was a relief to find out the hospital gave him a 90% discount because he was with CHM. He and his wife feels confident that no matter where their business takes them, CHM is there to support them.

Get the Info Pack to learn more
It's the perfect time to join, being right in the middle of open enrollment!

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  • Sender: Townhall
  • Political Party: n/a
  • Country: United States
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  • Office: n/a
  • Email Providers:
    • PostUp (Upland)