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Thanksgiving Message
Youth Opportunity Center clients and their families savored time together over a holiday meal hosted by Neighbors Rising, part of the tapestry of friends like you who extend a helping hand when our young people and families need it the most.

Dear Friends, 

This year we are grateful for arriving at this moment – our 25th   Thanksgiving -- with you. We are inspired by your generosity and friendship. And we are inspired by the way Identity youth and parents are shaping their own futures and helping create solutions to what is getting in their way.

Last year, your gifts helped 11,000+ hard-working, resilient youth and families work their way out of job losses, education setbacks, even difficult emotions with determination and optimism, including the 460 Youth Opportunity Center clients who are back in school, in workforce training, working on their GED and English, or found jobs.

When we count our blessings, your friendship and support are at the top of the list.

Will you consider supporting Identity this    

 and holiday season?

Please consider expressing your own gratitude with a Thanksgiving or year-end gift to Identity. You can donate online or by mailing a check to Identity c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855. We can also accept stock or other financial transfers.  Please feel free to contact us if we can help.

All of us at Identity wish you a bountiful Thanksgiving, with reminders of your own blessings large and small. We are thankful for your investment in the future. 


Un fuerte abrazo, 

Diego Uriburu
Executive Director
Every gift makes a difference
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We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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