John, I want to give you an update on what’s happening right now:

1. Extreme MAGA Republicans revealed their plan to unseat more than 30 of our House Democrats and expand their majority.

2. The latest polls show we are now leading the race for Congress.

3. Republicans know that momentum is on our side and they are going to rely on GOP mega-donors to salvage their majority.

John, make no mistake about it: Our chances of winning the House are only growing stronger. I'm calling for 11,441 gifts before midnight to reach my goal, outraise extreme MAGA Republicans and pull off a historic victory. We can’t do it without your support. Please, will you chip in any amount to the DCCC?
NAME: [email protected]

Suggested Support: $3

Extreme MAGA Republicans have never been more vulnerable.

The Republican Civil War brought the House to a complete standstill for three weeks.

Team Extreme has proven they cannot govern -- and the American people are watching.

We know that when voters hear our message of success, they support us. It all hinges on gathering the resources to communicate our For The People agenda to every voter in every zip code. That’s where you come in, John. We need 11,441 gifts before midnight to fund our critical ads, spread our message that Democrats deliver and win back the House. Can I count on your $3? >>
If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $1 immediately >>
Chip in $35 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Chip in $250 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Keep the faith,


Paid for by the DCCC | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 | (202) 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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We’re working hard to elect House Democrats -- and put an end to Republicans' obstruction for good. President Biden can't do it all. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to fight back against Republicans and flip the House. Our success relies on grassroots supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $18. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

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