Dear John,
In early October, California leaders who work to make life better for families every day came together to share, learn and dream about health and behavioral health innovations with our All in For Kids partners.
Our keynote speaker, Deepa Fernandes, host of NPR’s Here and Now, inspired us with her own story, and encouraged us to tell complete and compelling stories about how systems impact our families.
Gathering ideas from across disciplines is just one approach of All In For Kids, an initiative of Futures Without Violence. It’s an innovation incubator that leverages what actually works for kids.
Together we are building the collaborations and innovations we need to create a brighter future for our next generation. Join All In For Kids’ newsletter for the latest updates on healing early childhood systems from deep within the community.
Our grantees work across systems and lift up parent and community voices because that’s where our most imaginative and effective solutions come from.
For example, The Primary School currently operating two program sites in East Palo Alto and East Bay, California, uses a whole student approach to student success. Partnering with students and families from a very early age, their interdisciplinary team brings together all of the adults in a child’s life, including parents, educators, and medical and mental health providers to support child learning and development.
By investing in community-driven solutions, All In For Kids is making systems-level changes to sustain the services, policies, and practices that result in holistic well-being across generations. Our partners develop and design responsive, healing, and caring early childhood ecosystems from deep within their community.
Sign up now to keep learning, collaborating and dreaming with us as we grow our innovation incubator at All In For Kids.
In Solidarity,
Esta Soler
Founder & President