John – 

As we’ve seen over the last several weeks, there are politicians who take advantage of your willingness to donate your hard-earned money to their campaigns.

They use gimmicks and tricks, and use the most emotional language in order to get clicks and in order to get you to give them money.

Frankly, it is part of the reason the incentive structure has become so polluted in American politics. Those who scream the loudest on television, those who post the most provocative messages on social media, and those who are willing to lie about “fighting” for you believe those are the best tactics to raise money and increase their notoriety.

That is why I try to offer something different in the messages that I send you.
I inform you about the policies I am working on in Washington - combating the Mexican drug cartels, securing our southern border, and protecting American energy independence.

I tell you exactly how I use the money you generously contribute to my campaign - growing our conservative movement with events like my Crenshaw Youth Summit, highly-produced, persuasive messaging campaigns on key issues facing our country, and making sure the Republican Party is successful electorally.

I hope that this offers a respite from the constant barrage you receive in your inbox from politicians who will do and say anything for a donation.
And I hope that you will continue to support me as I seek re-election to the House of Representatives, where I am working hard for you every single day. 

I greatly appreciate your generosity.

God Bless,
Dan Crenshaw
P.S. If you'd like to donate by check, please make your check payable and mail to: Dan Crenshaw for Congress, 5900 Memorial Drive, Suite 215, Houston, TX 77007.