Mondays of Meaning

November 20th 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week’s edition, I address how to confront the profound truth that life is suffering. Then, I talk with the current president of the Heritage Foundation, Dr. Kevin Roberts, to discuss the operations and practicality of think tanks, the state of progressivism across academia, and the need for intellectual combat. From the archives, I discuss why making a good dinner and sitting down to enjoy a meal with loved ones is something to be thankful for.  


Seize The Opportunities Given To You 

As a psychologist, I have always looked for optimistic ideas — and I am not an easy sell with regard to optimistic ideas, especially because of my basic belief that the most profound truth is that life is suffering. You cannot blame that on anyone, so what do you do about it? Maybe nothing. Maybe it is hopeless. But maybe not. 

Instead, consider what you have against the suffering and the malevolence. You have possibility. You have potential in front of you — or inside of you (whatever that means). So here is the question: What would your life be like if you made use of all the potential that you were offered? That is the optimistic question because you can test it out. Try that for a year. Try to do the best you can at everything that offers itself to you, just as an experiment, and then you can see if your life is better or worse. 

As you go downhill, you go downhill faster and faster. It is not linear; it is exponential. But the reverse of that is also true. This is how the world works. It is a fundamental economic principle.  

In Jordan’s series “On Marriage,” he discusses the fundamentals of relationships, the critical aspects of marriage, and the beauty that comes from this commitment. Most unique in this series are the personal stories Jordan shares of his and Tammy’s marriage in these three episodes. To watch more content with Jordan, join DailyWire+ for exclusive content not available elsewhere.

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It is easy to believe that the world is falling apart while watching the news. Climate change, political division, coups d’état, the global pandemic, Russia’s ruthless war on Ukraine, Hamas’ unjustifiable killings, and the Middle East careening toward widespread violence: all that can contribute to a rising sense of panic. It may be worth stepping back, however, to get some perspective. 

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On The Podcast

The Heritage Foundation: Responsibility And Meaning | Dr. Kevin Roberts | EP 397

In this episode, I sit down with the current president of the Heritage Foundation, Dr. Kevin Roberts. We discuss the operations and practical utility of think tanks, the state of progressivism across academia, how multiple generations of students are now incapable of facing adversity while claiming to fight it, and why intellectual combat is not something to shut down but to champion against dire falsehoods. 

From The Archives

How To Make A Good Dinner

Sitting down to enjoy a meal with loved ones is something to be thankful for. Making a good dinner for family and friends is an impressive moral feat and can be a subset of being a good friend.

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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