Dear Friends,

In advance of Human Rights Day this December, NRCAT is pleased to co-host two nationwide virtual panel discussions for you to learn more about how solitary survivors and faith allies have mounted successful advocacy campaigns to end solitary, and how you can get involved in the movement to end the torture of solitary confinement. Each event will include enlightening panel discussions with leading interfaith voices and solitary survivors.

In partnership with the United Religions Initiative (URI) on Tuesday, December 5 at 12pm ET/9am PT, URI and NRCAT will co-host a live screening of NRCAT’s 35-minute documentary Torture in Our Name and a panel discussion featuring Tahil Sharma, Regional Coordinator for North America for United Religions Initiative; Naomi Welikala of the Episcopal Public Policy Network of California and Black Migrant Assistance Project Case Manager at Interfaith Refugee & Immigration Service; NRCAT’s Executive Director Rev. Ron Stief; and NRCAT’s Director of U.S. Prisons Program Johnny Perez. Register here for the December 5th screening and discussion!

In collaboration with the Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration (EMI) on Wednesday, December 6 at 6pm ET/3pm PT, NRCAT will co-host a panel discussion, Torture In Our Name: A Moral Call to End Solitary Confinement, featuring EMI’s National Executive Director, Rev. Devon Jerome Crawford, and the Director of NRCAT’s U.S. Prisons Program, Johnny Perez. If you have not yet watched the NRCAT documentary Torture in Our Name, we encourage you to view it before the discussion and you’ll receive a link to do so in the Zoom confirmation. Register here for the December 6th panel discussion!

Thank you for joining us in these upcoming collaborative interfaith gatherings to learn and plan for action to promote human rights and an end to torture together.

In community,
The NRCAT Team

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National Religious Campaign Against Torture
PO Box 91820
Washington, DC 20090


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