
The Left’s war on our children’s minds is heating up. You must understand how aggressively the Left is working to indoctrinate the children you love.

Texas Values is watching and responding to their every move, but to do it, we absolutely depend on you. Your gift helps us deploy Texas’ most effective pro-family team.

Please give, immediately and generously>>>

Much of the battle right now has centered on Austin, because with the state’s most left-wing school board, Austin ISD is an early-warning sign for the rest of Texas.

You may recall that last year we helped pass a new pro-life law (SB 22) which blocked Austin ISD from using Planned Parenthood’s own radical sex-ed curriculum as they had planned.

In their attempt to sidestep the law, Austin turned to a Canadian abortion provider instead. Texas Values helped expose that Austin ISD passed this radical sex-ed curriculum before it had authorization to even use the Canadian curriculum.

We recently held a press conference exposing Austin ISD’s unethical move. Every Texan should be appalled to uncover how low the Left is willing to sink to indoctrinate our children.

Help Us Lead The Fight>>>

Unless we act now, I can promise you––the Left wants to teach all Texas children...

  • That sex is theirs to explore whenever and wherever they choose, with virtually no limits.

  • That abortion is a basic right and an unborn baby is just a disposable mass of tissue.

  • That gender is “fluid” and has nothing to do with a child’s biological sex.

  • That believing the Bible and acting on a biblical worldview is hateful.

Next month, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will have meetings on revamping the whole state’s health education, impacting over 5 million Texas children.

So what is Texas Values doing about it? All that we can.

We’re manning the front lines to protect our kids, attending all SBOE meetings, and we’re starting with the strongest anchor and deepest foundation in Texas culture––the Church. We’re engaging with churches across the Austin area as part of a coalition educating parents on how to opt-out and sit-out of Austin ISD’s radical sex-ed. 

But it’s not just about Austin…we’re rolling out a statewide, church outreach project. We’ve brought on two regional coordinators to help––including Pastor Jorge Tovar of Laredo, who helped defeat a local “Ban the Bible” ordinance.

Texas Values is committed to motivating pastors and churches across the state to help the Body of Christ engage and protect our children from the hypersexualization of the Left. 

But we can’t do any of these things without your support

Texas Values is the statewide, boots-on-the-ground organization manning the front lines to protect our kids––along with your right to faith, freedom and values.

Thank you for standing and engaging to protect Texas children!


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values

P.S. The clock on the radical Left’s war to brainwash our children is ticking. We don’t have even a day to lose. Please pray, engage and give generously today.

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.
