Hi, this is Jennifer Krill at Earthworks. I hope you saw my recent message about our impact this year. In 2024, Earthworks faces challenges from corporations, legislators and maybe even election results. I asked Lauren Pagel, our Policy Director, to talk about the year ahead. I hope you’ll support our work - there’s so much at stake. Thanks for all you do!

Why 2024 matters so much for climate and communities


As we near the end of November, I'm sure you’re thinking about friends and family. I know I am. 

I’m also thinking about what kind of world and what kind of future we’re providing our children and families in 2024 and beyond. 

Will they be breathing smoke filled air? Will we wonder if our drinking water is polluted or about the impact of drought and floods? Can the President or Congress take action now to help communities? (Yes, they can. But will they?)

2024 is a CRITICAL year. We have an opportunity to push the White House to declare a climate emergency and secure rules to help us meet critical climate goals. 

Congress isn’t off the hook! We need them to do the right thing and pass legislation that can protect the health and safety of people and the planet.

You can help jump start our critical 2024 work today. 

Being Policy Director at Earthworks means a LOT of time spent at the intersection of energy development, climate change and environmental justice. 

In 2024, we have big decisions coming on methane reduction, enormous energy infrastructure projects on the Gulf Coast and mining rules, to name a few. 

And it's an election year. Will climate change, energy policy, air and water pollution, and mining reform be a topic this year? I think so. Could election results set us back or could they help us make progress? Yes and yes. That’s why our early wins together in 2024 are so important.

Join us: I hope you’ll be a part of helping meet the challenge in 2024 and score victories for families fighting off big oil and gas companies.

Thank you for your support today and every day. We’re proud you’re a part of Earthworks. 

In solidarity, 


Lauren Pagel
Policy Director, Earthworks


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