Welcome to Monday, November 20th, bloggers and videographers...

Russia seeks to ban the "international" LGBTQ+ movement.

The Russian justice ministry filed a motion to the country’s Supreme Court to ban the “international LGBT public movement,” it stated. The ministry said the movement has shown signs of “extremist activity,” including “social and religious strife.”

The ban would make it nearly impossible for LGBTQ+ organizations to operate without facing criminal prosecution. 

Are you concerned about LGBTQ+ rights in Russia?

The latest: Israel video ‘proves’ Hamas tunnels under hospital

Israel has released videos that it claims show hostages and a Hamas tunnel network at Al-Shifa. Israel says the videos are proof that the hospital is the site of a Hamas command center.

Twenty-eight premature babies have been evacuated from the besieged Al-Shifa Hospital to Egypt via the Rafah border crossing. 

How do you feel about the U.S. response so far?

IDF ground offensive to likely move south

Israel has dropped leaflets in four towns in southern Gaza, warning people to flee, sparking fears that the ground invasion could spread to areas previously designated safe.

Are you worried about expansion of the war?

All the Memes Fit to Post

And, In The End...

Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. Let's celebrate and fight for everyone's right to live in comfort, safety, and authenticity.

—Emma Kansiz

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