
Yesterday, my good friend, Steve Bullock launched his campaign for Senate.

I knew he would need this incredible grassroots team and hoo boy, did you deliver. Folks like you stepped up like never before to help Steve build a strong campaign on Day One of his launch.

But the bad news is donations have slowed down -- a lot.

Back in 2018, we won re-election despite the GOP’s massive attack machine. I can only imagine what they have planned for Steve’s campaign. That’s why he needs our help to prepare for the worst.

Will you donate $10 (or more!) to help Steve flip Montana’s second Senate seat blue? Steve’s race is the key to determining Senate control and taking back the majority from Mitch McConnell and the GOP.

Donate now

Look, Democrats have a stronger shot at taking back the majority now that Steve hopped in the ring. On top of that, Montana has the chance to elect TWO Democratic Senators!

I couldn’t be more excited for this opportunity and you can bet I’ll be working my you-know-what off to elect Steve the next Senator of Montana. But we have to keep up our momentum if we want to win this thing:

So, I’m personally asking you to split a donation between Steve’s campaign and our work to take back the Senate so we can give Montana TWO Democratic Senators and the country a Democratic Senate.

Donate now

When Democrats take back the Senate in November, it will be because people like you stepped up during critical moments like these.

— Jon