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Reject Moral Illiteracy

Kurt Schlichter

I'm Tired of Dumb Stuff. And By That I Mean Candace Owens and Nikki Haley.

Kurt Schlichter

A Pathetic Life Of Identity Politics

Derek Hunter

Dewey Defeats Biden

Derek Hunter

Anti-Semitic Reporters at the LA Times, a Lying Sideline Reporter, and Trump Is Not a Nazi – He's Hitler!

Brad Slager

Giving Thanks for Conspicuous Gallantry

Allen West

Why Marxism/Communism Fails, Part Two

Mark Lewis

Why Marxism/Communism Fails, Part One

Mark Lewis

Republican Purity Test Helps Leftist Wokesters Sweep Colorado School Board

Joy Overbeck

New Footage Confirms Hamas Used Shifa Hospital to Detain and Murder Hostages

Katie Pavlich

Meeting With Xi Jinping Reveals Yet Another Concern With Biden's Age

Rebecca Downs

Jack Smith Compares Himself to a 'Saint' During Court Briefings Against Trump

Sarah Arnold

The Disturbing Reason This High School Banned 'USA DAY'

Sarah Arnold

Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter Dead At 96

Sarah Arnold

Neo-Nazi, Anti-Semitism Groups Are On the Rise and Their Message Is All the Same: 'Kill the Jews'

Sarah Arnold

Nikki Haley Double Downs On Her Pro-Abortion Stance

Sarah Arnold

A Quick Bible Study Vol. 192: What the New Testament Says About the Heart

Myra Kahn Adams

Terrorist Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Humberto Fontova

The Gold Medal Winner for Presidential Lies

Jeff Davidson

Here’s the Truth Regarding Complaints About the U.S.’s High Incarceration Rate

Rachel Alexander

All Hostage Lives Matter

Jonathan Feldstein

Who Would You Rather Have Running the Land Between the River and the Sea?

Alan Joseph Bauer

Boon or Bane?

Phil Ginn

Of Neocons & Nazis: The Misuse of Words

Adam Turner

The Fourth Reich On the Charles River

Alan Joseph Bauer

Two Upcoming Appeals Offer SCOTUS Golden Opportunities to Reinforce Its Work

Eric Stahlfeld

It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

Matt Vespa

Does This Mean There Will Be a Pause of Fighting In Gaza?

Sarah Arnold

Trump Is Expected to Land This Major Endorsement

Sarah Arnold

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
12 Concealed Carry Guns 12 Ounces Or Less |
It's Time to Frame Violent Crime Correctly |
Anti-Gunners Lavish Praise on Maine Democrat After He Flips to Support Gun Ban |
Nebraska Sheriff Complains About Non-Existent 'Loophole' |
Florida Bill Would Eviscerate Concealed Carry Permit Process |
Judge Nixes Lifetime Gun Ban for Non-Violent Misdemeanor Offense |