"The Hamas terrorist organization used the Shifa Hospital complex on the day of the massacre as terrorist infrastructure. " Further, the IDF has secured hospital security cameras. They were keeping and killing hostages inside Shifa hospital and had ...
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WATCH: Hamas Command Center, Massive Terrorist Infrastructure Under Shifa Hospital, Footage Shows Hamas Hostages Being Led INSIDE Hospital
“The Hamas terrorist organization used the Shifa Hospital complex on the day of the massacre as terrorist infrastructure.” Further, the IDF has secured hospital security cameras. They were keeping and killing hostages inside Shifa hospital and ...

Biden-Funded Mosques Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews
The American taxpayer should not be funding genocidal Islamic Jew hatred. On the contrary, these annihilationist mosques should be shuddered.

These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden ...

NYC: Muslim Makes Terrifying Threats Against Jewish People: “I Watch Israeli People Die and I Masturbate With That….I Just Like Killing Jews. I Rape Them First. Then I Kill Them”

Muslim: I watch Israeli people die and I masturbate with that.

Interviewer: Wow, what do you think about the Jewish people?

Muslim: They are dirty. Heil Hitler.

I just like killing Jews. I'll rape them first. Then I kill ...

The Only One Who Benefits From a Ceasefire is Hamas
Here is the letter I sent to the L.A. Times in response to its editorial a few days ago calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Dear Sirs,

In war, the status of the attacker and the attacked is not interchangeable. The war in Gaza is against pure ...

The Feds Are Targeting Conservative INFANTS
The coup is now targeting our  babies.

The feds are now designating Conservative infants as domestic terrorists pic.twitter.com/voBlFjtBpc

— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) November 17, 2023

Infant Son of J6 Defendant Placed on Quiet ...

‘Moderate’ Jordan: Major Coffee Chain Serving New “HOLOCAUST COFFEE,” Served With BURNING Jewish Marshmallows
Until the Muslim world is forced to address and purge its Jew hatred, it is all going to worse before it gets worse.

Here's a major coffee chain in Jordan serving a new “Holocaust coffee” (that's the name!), with the slogan “I feel the ...

Stacey Abrams’ Brother-in-Law Arrested for Attacking 16-Year-Old, Human Trafficking in Tampa
The criminal party strikes again.

Stacy Abrams brother in law pic.twitter.com/cd3GEyx4RJ

— Rained Out RantCast (@_RantCast) November 18, 2023

Yup Stacy Abrams bro-in -law

Wonder how he made public speaker huh ...

Everybody Loves Islam
After Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, all the various factions of the world rushed to show how much they loved and admired not the victims of the attacks, and certainly not the state that they lived in, but instead, the belief ...

Hamas Says They’ve “Lost Contact” With Islamic Lynch Mobs Holding Hostages, They Don’t Know if Hostages Are Alive Or Dead, “Fate Unknown”
Last night, social media platforms were crackling with news of a “hostage deal” reported by the Washington Post. I did not report on it because, firstly, I do not trust the Washington Post, it's a vile sheet of leftist propaganda and I believed ...

New J6 Footage Shows Capitol Police Incited Riot By Firing Munitions Into Peaceful Crowd
It was a coup. The worst of it is the patriots who stood for America imprisoned in subhuman conditions.

NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse – Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and ...

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