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Ask Your Representative to Protect American Lives at the Border
March 10, 2020
The House is poised to pass two bills this week that undermine the President’s agenda on protecting our borders. 
The first bill, the No Ban Act (H.R. 2214), is House Democrats’ response to President Trump’s measures to keep dangerous immigrants from entering our borders. The bill restricts the President’s ability to ban travel in the future and repeals the 2017 ban that was upheld by the Supreme Court.  In a House Judiciary Committee markup of this bill, Democrats incessantly referred to the President’s travel bans as a “Muslim ban”.  However, Rep. Ken Buck (R-NY) argued that only five countries out of fifty predominantly Muslim countries were under a travel ban. 
The second bill, the Access to Counsel Act (H.R. 5581) which grants immigrants the opportunity to consult with an attorney, will only jam up the long lines at the border. Officers currently have the freedom to conduct extensive vetting into suspicious individuals seeking residency in the United States. Involving counsel will hinder the jobs of these officers making the process less efficient. The only people this bill will benefit are immigration lawyers who will be lining their pockets with cash.
To make matters worse, Democrats are using a work-around to pass these two pieces of legislation. They are offering them as amendments so that Republicans cannot offer a motion to recommit (MTR). An MTR allows the minority party a final chance to amend a bill.  Democrats are using their power to silence Republicans!
Please contact your Representative to vote against the No Ban Act and the Access to Counsel Act!
Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
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