Fellow Patriot, It's one of the go-to moves in the statists' playbook. . . . Wait until the American people are distracted by some crisis -- then pass something disastrous! Well this time, you and I can be prepared to meet them head-on when they try to "cash in" on their usual advantage to cut a last minute deal to warrantless domestic spying schemes. It’s time to stop the Deep State’s warrantless domestic spying schemes. So I'm counting on your IMMEDIATE action to DEMAND Congress oppose any Deep State scheme to extend the so-called “USA Freedom Act” (Section 215 of FISA). If you've already signed your emergency END DEEP STATE SURVEILLANCE petition I wrote you about recently, please forward this email on to your friends and family and consider making an emergency contribution to expand Campaign for Liberty's efforts. You and I simply must reach out to as many Americans as possible to halt the ever-encroaching surveillance state in its tracks. And if you haven't yet signed or aren't familiar with the danger posed to your liberties by the surveillance powers available to the Deep State under the so-called “USA Freedom Act,” including Section 215 of FISA, please read my email below and take action today! ![]() Fellow Patriot, did you see THE HILL’s Friday morning headline?
Surveillance deal elusive as deadline looms Concerned Americans like you rising to the occasion and MAKING
POLITICIANS FEEL THE HEAT are the reason such headlines are in the national media and on political news. But they’re also why it’s vital you and I keep it up. While the three unconstitutional provisions of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” -- the phony reform Congress replaced Section 215 of the “PATRIOT Act” with in 2015 -- are closer than ever to expiring on midnight, March 15, you can be sure we’re in for the fight of our lives in the coming days. It's time for Congress to allow these provisions to expire. The Deep State has proven they’ll abuse their domestic spying powers to forcibly collect, store, and search every American’s emails, phone records, text messages, Internet searches, instant messages, online purchases, and Facebook posts. And you can guarantee they won't give up the crown jewel of Deep State spying without a fight. That's why Campaign for Liberty needs to raise an additional $50,000 to keep cranking up the white-hot political heat on Congress and DEMAND they vote against any extension, reauthorization, or phony “reform” of the Deep State’s abusive domestic snooping powers. The truth is, the best odds for you and me to halt America’s slide into authoritarianism come from generating as much action as possible from an expanding number of liberty-loving patriots like you. So, I’m counting on you to do me two favors: First, sign your emergency END DEEP STATE SURVEILLANCE petition right away. Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to bring the Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs to a crashing halt! The good news is, there’s no denying our pressure is making an impact. The liberty movement has delivered some heavy blows against the surveillance statists in recent weeks. -- First, there was the SHAM
legislation Deep State apologists Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler tried to sneak through the House Judiciary Committee that would keep the Deep State
powers to spy on Americans’ private, personal communications running full blast.
-- Then, President Trump signaled he’s now on board with most Americans about reining in the Deep State’s domestic spying powers over law-abiding Americans. (We’ll see how this plays out with Deep Staters like Attorney General William Barr twisting his arm). -- Critically, we halted the mad rush to throw renewal of the Deep State’s spying powers in with “emergency” spending legislation in the midst of the Coronavirus panic. I don’t have to tell you that’s exactly the kind of “must do something” nightmare scenario the Deep State drools over to further their abusive domestic spying powers. Those wins within the larger fight are encouraging. And I’m more confident than ever this is a fight you and I can ultimately win.But to reclaim our liberties, I need your help to send the message LOUD and CLEAR to senators and representatives: it’s time roll back the surveillance state. After all, we’re going toe-to-toe with a cabal of tied-at-the-hip Deep State pals in BOTH parties’ congressional leadership and Attorney General Barr doing the Deep State’s bidding. Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) insisted just days ago, “We have to have an extension -- not an extension, we have to have a reauthorization.” Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has repeatedly stated his “preference” would be to extend the expiring provisions of the USA Freedom Act without making any changes. I don’t have to tell you what type of disaster their “preferences” would lead to. Right now, the Deep State’s congressional lackeys are racing to compromise away our liberties. And they’ll stop at nothing to keep the Deep State’s unconstitutional domestic spying programs going as close to full blast as they can. Fellow Patriot it’s up to you and me to stop them. Won’t you please consider making your most generous contribution of $50 today? I know that's a lot to ask, but with such a short time to raise the funds necessary for this program I'm counting on everyone to step up. Of course, if $50 is too much, then please consider a generous contribution of $25 or at least $10. These funds will supercharge our grassroots muscle to make it 100% clear to your elected legislators -- the FBI, NSA and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. Then, after you've made your most generous contribution, I'm counting on the liberty movement to generate as much pressure as we can, which is why I hope you'll sign your emergency END DEEP STATE SURVEILLANCE petition to your Representatives and U.S. Senators. This is our best opportunity since October 2001 to begin rolling back the surveillance state and reclaim our lost liberties. But 5 days is all you and I have to do it. So after you've donated and signed your emergency END DEEP STATE SURVEILLANCE petition, won't you please forward this on to your friends and family and encourage them to take action? We cannot let this opportunity slip through our grasp! For Liberty,
![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The FBI, NSA, and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. With expiration of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” -- the crown jewel of the Deep State’s domestic spying powers -- rapidly approaching on March 15, this may be our best chance ever to strike a death blow against the surveillance state. Now it’s time for you and I to supercharge our grassroots muscle and keep the pressure on and DEMAND Congress rein in the surveillance state. |