Protect the vote in 2020. Give monthly.
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It's 2020, and our right to vote isn't safe
Give Monthly
Advocate —

Between 2016 and 2018, 17 million people were purged from voter rolls.

Did these voters know their voice had been silenced? If your name was on that list, would you have known? That's why we're fighting back, one voter at a time.

Join us with a monthly donation now to strengthen our efforts to protect voters in advance of Election Day. These next few months are our last chance to ensure voters won't be turned away in this year's elections.

We're already at work. In 2018, our All Voting is Local campaign texted more than 380,000 Ohioans to update their voter registrations. As a result, more than 62,000 of those voters were prevented from being purged — and cast their ballot on Election Day.

In September, Ohio's Secretary of State was at it again, announcing plans to purge 235,000 registrations from the voter rolls. This was in spite of errors that led to eligible voters being added to the purge list. So we took action again.

We need to remain vigilant. Just a month later, a Wisconsin judge ordered more than 200,000 voters to be kicked off the rolls. So we launched another campaign in Wisconsin — as well as in Arizona and Florida — to help more than a million people protect their right to vote... before it's too late.
$5 for 2020

The assault on voting rights is coming from all sides. But in 2020, your impact can last all year.
Your monthly donation of $5 will provide the reliable funding we need to track rejected voter registrations, contact voters via text, and continue to challenge discriminatory voter suppression tactics as they happen.

The future of our democracy all comes down to the actions we take in these next few months. We urge you to be a part of this historic fight to protect the vote. Make your monthly gift now.

—The Leadership Conference

P.S. We must stave off the attack before voters are purged from the rolls. Make a monthly donation now so that voting is free, fair, and accessible to all.
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1620 L Street NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 466-3311
Fight for justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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