For just the cost of a few salmon treats, you can help shape our state’s future.
I’m Peter the Cat — but you might know my “cat dad,” Bob Ferguson, a little better. He’s running for governor!
Can you chip in $5 to support Bob for Governor — and me for First Cat?

I know, I know. You’re wondering: why am I receiving an email from Bob’s cat?
Well, there’s a very good reason for that. I wanted to say THANKS to each and every one of his supporters. Because of your support, his campaign is the cat’s meow. And if he wins, I’ll get to live my dream of becoming Washington’s First Cat.
Will you contribute $5 or anything you can to elect Bob Ferguson? For just the cost of a few salmon treats, you can help shape our state’s future.
Here are a few of the reasons I think Bob is purr-fect for the governor’s job:
- He’s a problem solver, a proven leader for Washington, and a cat person. 🐱
- He takes on tough fights against fur-midable special interests — and wins!
- He is fighting for a better future for every Washingtonian (two legs or four).
After midnight on December 8th, Bob is required to press paws on his fundraising. Because he is a state official, he will be prohibited from accepting any donations until the spring. However, because his Republican opponent is not an elected official, this “freeze” does not apply to him. Even a cat understands that’s not fair!
I’m not kitten around: your support has helped us get this far. Now, he needs to raise $750,000 before the “fundraising freeze” to stay on track. I know we can do it!
So, let’s keep up the momentum! Will you donate $5 to help Bob win?
Donate $5 ››
Wishing you head-pats and catnip,
🐾 Peter the Cat
P.S. After you donate, please follow me on Instagram! I’m trying to get to 1,000 followers and I’m just 262 away.