Running for president requires an obscene amount of money, and the only way we're funding this campaign is from lots of people giving small donations.

Friends -

I am writing to ask if you can make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign – especially today.

Here is the truth:

We have made it a lot further and have done a lot better in this race than any in the political establishment or corporate media would have ever imagined. We are taking on the whole damn one percent of this country, and the path forward will not be easy.

Six more states are voting today, and in a week four more will hold their primaries. Our path to the nomination will be decided by how we do in these next two rounds of contests.

So we need a lot of donations today. That's the only way we're funding this campaign, and it's the only way we'll be ready to compete in the four states that vote next week.

That's why I am asking:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today? Every donation will help us prepare for the states that come next.

I am incredibly proud of the way we're funding this campaign.

Running for president requires an obscene amount of money. But instead of holding private fundraising events with a handful of wealthy contributors, our campaign is funded by more than 2 million people who have contributed 9 million times.

That is extraordinary. No one else in the history of American politics has done that at this point in an election.

Then you have Joe Biden who has received funding from at least 60 billionaires. He has super PACs running millions of dollars in ads to try to defeat us. And he has assured his wealthy donors that "nothing would fundamentally change" for them if he becomes president.

At a time of massive income and wealth inequality – when the rich get richer and everyone else struggles to get by – now is not the time to protect the status quo. It is time to create the transformative change this country desperately needs.

So I am asking for your help today to not just win this primary, but to transform this country when we are in the White House.

Please contribute $2.70 to our campaign today. This is important.

When we began this campaign, we knew we'd be taking on the entire political establishment, financial elite, and corporate media. That is more true today than it's ever been.

If you can add your contribution, you will ensure our campaign has the resources to take them on and win. Thank you for chipping in if you can.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders