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U.S. Banks Now LEGALLY Allowed To Seize Checking & Retirement Accounts

No More Government Or Taxpayer Bail-Outs For The “Too-Big-To-Fail!”

Your Savings – Confiscated - To Bail-Out And Save The Bank.

Dear Friend,

If your bank is failing, the U.S. Government is no longer bailing them out with taxpayer funds.

Since the year 2000, 558 banks have FAILED and closed their door forever. That averages out to 30 banks a year closing their doors. They were small enough to not qualify for a government bail-out, but now no bank will fail.

No, instead…

YOU (and every depositor) now carry the burden for “bailing-out” the bank with the 401K's, IRA's and the funds you have on deposit with that institution.

That means…

Your Savings, (IRA & 401K) Your Checking Accounts, Your Investments, & Your Other Financial Assets At Your Bank Are At Risk Of Forfeiture!

Bank Regulators “CAN AND WILL” Take Your Bank Account!

How Could This Happen In America

You remember the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, that HUGE mortgage meltdown that had worldwide implications? Over $1 trillion in taxpayer money was given to banks that were “Too-Big-To-Fail.”

But since then, banking regulators have come to a broad agreement on what they call a “better approach!”

Instead of bailing-out a failing bank, regulators say “let’s force its creditors to Bail-In” ‑ or share the burden of losses.

My friend, did you know that if you deposit money into a bank you are what is called an “unsecured creditor“? The bank's largest unsecured debt is its depositors' funds. (savings & checking accounts, 401K's & IRA's, CD's) That means ANY money deposited into your financial institution is unsecured credit to the bank and is at risk of being taken.

Special FREE Guide: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure

Bank Seizures Are Already Happening
Around The Globe

In 2012 the Mediterranean nation of Cyprus had its own banking crisis. Cyprus’s largest commercial bank, the Bank of Cyprus was collapsing and so were many others. With government approval they outright seized 47.5% of all uninsured deposits.

Some depositors at other banks saw as much as 80% of their savings CONFISCATED!

Once the government approved of the theft of depositors' funds, there was no way to stop it. Cyprus banks closed Friday afternoon. That weekend, ALL withdrawals and outbound transactions were frozen!

On Monday morning, depositors woke to find, a huge chunk of their Savings was simply gone! In exchange they were given stock in the bank!

But that’s not the only country allowing this “Bail-in theft.”

Banks around the world have already started taking depositors' savings! It’s happened in Greece and Ireland back 2010, in Austria, Denmark, and Portugal in 2011.

Bank Account Seizures in the United States

During the Great Depression ‑ Hundreds of thousands of investors and people, who had savings in the banks, were wiped out when those banks used their depositors’ money to satisfy their own creditors. This was before “Dodd-Frank” became the law of the land.

Fast forward to 2018…

Hard-working Americans like you & me, have no clue of the new legal language that exists in the “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” (Dodd-Frank).

This sweeping set of financial reforms passed after the mortgage crisis, specifically allows banks to take depositors' money to save their own balance sheets, just as banks did in Cyprus and here in the United States during the great depression.

Special FREE Guide: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure

Title II of the Act specifically authorizes the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), to take your money, via the newly-established “Orderly Liquidation Authority.”

This body of bank regulators can freeze your accounts over the weekend, wave a magic wand, and reduce your account by 50% and in some cases more. The bottom line is…

You Have No Vote In The Matter, & You Have No Legal Recourse


In theory, you’ll receive shares of stock in the bank, but the reality is… your shares will be in a failing institution, which is not much compensation for your losses.

Chances are, you’ll have few willing buyers for your newly acquired stock.

So my friend you learned some new terminology today. The new term: Bail-In.

Investopedia explains the term: a bank bail-in is when the bank uses the money of its unsecured creditors, including depositors and bondholders, to restructure their capital so it can stay afloat.

You notice how they care about themselves staying afloat - not you?

How Do I Protect Myself Against This
Legalized Theft Of My Money

Growing up most of us have heard the story about Noah’s Ark. As the story goes, God told Noah that a storm is coming unlike any other storm that man has ever seen. God instructed him to build an ark and save himself, his family, and of course the animals.

Noah listened and was prepared “beforehand” so that when disaster struck, he was protected from the catastrophic event!

Special FREE Guide: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure

It won’t be long until it happens again…

My friend, with a national debt of $21 trillion, $13 trillion in consumer debt, $14 trillion in mortgage debt, and all U.S. combined debt including student, auto, and credit card debt totaling a combined $70 trillion, it’s not hard to see that the United States will in fact have another financial meltdown sometime in the near future!

The debt in this country is so staggering that even World-Famous Investor, Warren Buffett warned investors: Prepare to lose ½ of your money!

There Is One Way, And Only One Way To Protect Your Hard Earned Money. Here's How…

Unless you are in the banking industry, how do you even go about finding out, which financial institutions are strong and which are not? Truthfully I don’t know!

But I do know this, there is one way and only one way to protect yourself from any financial institution taking your CD's, 401K's, IRA's, and your savings, and that is to take some of your hard-earned money and put it into hard assets like Gold or Silver.

The Best Insurance Policy You Could Ever Have

Precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum will protect you from WILD market swings, it will protect you from a stock market crash, it will protect you from inflation, It will protect you from the devaluing of the dollar, and it will protect your 401K, IRA, and your savings against bank deposit theft!

Think of “PRECIOUS METALS” as car insurance for your savings. You don’t risk driving your car on major public freeways and streets without protecting yourself in the case of an accident.

If you’re at fault, having insurance protects you from having to come out of pocket and pay for repairs and medical bills. If you don’t have insurance then you pay everything yourself.

This is What You Need To Do NOW
To Protect Yourself

First, understand that a coming collapse of some kind is imminent. YOU HAVE TO PREPARE NOW!

Here is what you do first: Follow this link to download our Special FREE Guide: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure

This guide will simply arm you with the necessary information you need to know on allocating your assets, taking possession, and protecting your IRA's, 401K's, and your hard-earned savings.


Pick up your phone and call one of our IRA/Asset Protection Specialists for a free consultation at (888) 411-4653.

They will be able to answer all of your questions.

The third step: Make your first purchase. Start allocating funds to purchase precious metals and start diversifying your IRA & 401K, but more importantly prevent the banks from stealing all of your hard-earned money.

My Friend, don’t delay, the “Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act” (Dodd-Frank) is on the law books.


If banks do seize depositor assets in a bail-in, THEY WILL NOT ANNOUNCE IT AHEAD OF TIME. They won’t even hint at it, because they can’t afford to cause a panic.

It will happen on a weekend, when everything seems normal on Friday. But ATMs won’t be filled with money, withdrawals will be limited, and depositors will simply wake up to find much of the money in their 401K's and IRA's has simply vanished.


Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Those words could not be anymore true than they are today. Just taking one step towards preventing the THEFT of your savings will save you countless sleepless nights when the financial system falls apart.

I wish you all the best in your future investments and I look forward to working with you to prevent the theft of your savings from the “Too-Big-To-Fail” financial institutions.



David Schroeder
Monetary Gold

My friend, do not forget, the time to prepare for any kind of emergency is BEFOREHAND.

Don’t make the mistake that many other unsuspecting people will make, and that is to not prepare and to leave your hard-earned savings in the bank after another meltdown begins.


When the economy looks good, things hum right along. But when the economy declines, highly-leveraged banks WILL collapse nearly overnight!

Your CD's, 401K's, IRA's, checking, savings, and investment accounts are at risk!

The danger is the risk of what bankers call a “statutory bail-in.” Where a bail-out usually involves an infusion of taxpayer funds to protect depositors, a bail-in means bank heads or regulators will simply seize all or part of your existing savings and use them to paper over their collapsing balance sheets.

When things go bad, they’ll throw YOUR money at the problem to save themselves. That means they will TAKE the monetary assets in your IRA's & 401K's that you thought were safe!

Download our FREE Guide: How To Protect Your Savings From Bank Seizure now and learn how to protect yourself, then be proactive, call one of our IRA/Asset Protection Specialists Toll Free at (888) 411-4653, they can help you take the next steps needed to prepare from the loss of your savings.
