Dear John,
This Thursday marks 100 days from the generationally transformative Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington. This is bigger than any political campaign or candidate, and we need your help to get the word out and to help organize a delegation from your community.
On Thursday March 12th, we are calling for a digital day of action to mark the 100 days, and are asking you to use your social networks to urge people to register, using our graphics, or another method of your choosing. These upcoming weeks are essential for turn-out and we need everyone to do all they can to get people signed up! We will be sending out final graphics tomorrow with sizing appropriate for Twitter and Instagram.

On the evening of March 12th, at 8:30pm ET, join us for our second monthly National Mobilization Call for June 20, 2020. Register here to join us. You will be able to participate by either tuning into Facebook Live or simply using the conference call service Zoom.
On Thursday evening, we will hear important developments in our organizing strategies for June 20, 2020. We will share new mobilizing resources, exciting updates about mobilization commitments and how the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is responding to current crises and movements.
Make sure you RSVP for this important call on March 12 at 8:30pm ET.
Lastly, we wanted to share an important update about the MORE Tour. In light of the recent spread of the Coronavirus and in hopes of helping keep all of our folks safe, we are cancelling all MORE Tour activities for the next 30 days.
“While we are disappointed to not be able to gather, the new coronavirus already is uncovering the issues we had hoped to raise more clearly than our words and actions could have. This public health crisis makes clear how ignoring poor and low-wealth people impacts all of us.” – Rev. Dr. Barber & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis
Read Rev. Dr. Barber & Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis’ op-ed in the Arkansas Times.
The cancelled tour stops include:
Seattle/Aberdeen, Washington – Fri. March 20- Sat. March 21
Springfield, Missouri – Thurs. March 26
Topeka, Kansas – Sat. March 28
The MORE Tour Team and the Co-Chairs are working on developing an online event to replace these tour stops and to address the intersections of poverty and the coronavirus. We will keep you posted as this gets scheduled. We know that all of the ways we have been told to help protect ourselves (wash your hands, be ready to take off work, stock up on food) are not available to the homeless, poor, and low-wealth folks who make up this campaign.
This policy violence puts all of us at risk, and underscores the great need for the work of political and economic transformation that we are undertaking together.
The Poor Peoples’ Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival