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I'm Tired of Dumb Stuff. And By That I Mean Candace Owens and Nikki Haley.

Kurt Schlichter

Dewey Defeats Biden

Derek Hunter

When Has War Ever Been 'Proportional?'

Victor Davis Hanson

Anti-Semitic Reporters at the LA Times, a Lying Sideline Reporter, and Trump Is Not a Nazi – He's Hitler!

Brad Slager

REI is Right to Question Unions

Gabriella Hoffman

Why Marxism/Communism Fails, Part One

Mark Lewis

California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the Streets of San Francisco

Larry Elder

A Quick Bible Study Vol. 192: What the New Testament Says About the Heart

Myra Kahn Adams

Terrorist Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Humberto Fontova

NYT Makes Damning Admission About School Closures During Covid

Sarah Arnold

Someone Got Ahead of Themselves Regarding This Alleged Gaza Ceasefire Deal

Matt Vespa

Another Democrat Proves It's Difficult to Work for The Party

Sarah Arnold

University Cancels Pro-Palestine Event Featuring Rashida Tlaib

Madeline Leesman

Pro-Hamas Group Hands Out Maps In NYC, Calling for 'Direct' Violent 'Action'

Sarah Arnold

U.S. Army Begs Soldiers to Come Back After They Were Forced Out for Not Getting the COVID Vaccine

Sarah Arnold

Newsom Makes False Claim About Tennessee Town Banning 'Being Gay In Public'

Sarah Arnold

The Gold Medal Winner for Presidential Lies

Jeff Davidson

How Did We Get Here?

Laura Hollis

The Biden Admin: Bungled Procedures, Costly Redress, and Our Less Safe World

Jeff Davidson

Finding Meaning in a Broken World

Kathryn Lopez

Boon or Bane?

Phil Ginn

Of Neocons & Nazis: The Misuse of Words

Adam Turner

The Fourth Reich On the Charles River

Alan Joseph Bauer

Two Upcoming Appeals Offer SCOTUS Golden Opportunities to Reinforce Its Work

Eric Stahlfeld

Illinois Lawmakers Just Axed State’s Sole School Choice Program

Chris Talgo

Socialist-Style Drug Price Controls Hurting Patients

Mary Vought

They Wouldn't Observe a Moment of Silence, So Israel and Poland's Soccer Teams Did This Instead

Matt Vespa

Illegal Migrant Convicted of Raping a 5-Year-Old Found On Martha's Vineyard

Sarah Arnold

Newsom Gave Millions to Islamic Groups Who Cheer On the Killing of Jews

Sarah Arnold

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Maine Senator Says He's Drafting a Gun Ban Bill |
A Well-Outfitted Militia: German Translation of the Second Amendment Offers Insight |
Milwaukee Paper Discovers 'Gun Death' Lie |
Oregon Gun Owners May Have Extra Reason to Give Thanks This Year |
N.J. Governor’s Wife Eyeing Senate Seat to Continue Dynasty of Anti-Liberty Agenda |
Prosecutors Drop Charges Against NYC Council Member Over Carrying in 'Gun-Free Zone' |