Hi there, I wanted to forward Shaina's invite to you, it's about the immigration and refugee vigil this weekend.
J Street

Hi -- 

I just wanted to bump up this email from Shaina about the Tisha B’Av vigils this weekend (and to let you know that more have been added to meet demand). 

As we find ourselves reeling from yet another white supremacist attack in our country, this show of solidarity against the extremism of the Trump administration has become all the more meaningful. The history and values of our people compel us to take a stand, and I can think of no better way to mark the day.

There are now over 50 events scheduled across the country, including in District of Columbia, and you can learn more about the vigil nearest you here >>


Logan Bayroff
Communications Director


Weekend, AUGUST 10-11
Vigil in District of Columbia Against Trump’s Refugee and Immigration Policies




Next Weekend, August 10-11, Jews across America and around the world will commemorate Tisha B’Av. It is a day on which the Jewish people mourn the destruction of the First and Second Temples and commemorate the repeated threats and tragedies we have overcome.

As I reflect on this history, on the many times our people have been forced to seek refuge, I can’t help but think of the suffering of those seeking asylum at our borders today.

The image of a father and daughter who drowned in the Rio Grande after being turned away from lawful a port of entry; of elected officials looking on with indifference at men warehoused in cages; of the cries of children separated from their parents.

That’s why I’m so proud that J Street is joining with our Jewish communal partners T’ruah, Bend the Arc, HIAS, the Religious Action Center and the National Council of Jewish Women to invite our supporters to attend Tisha B’Av vigils and protests against the Trump administration’s inhumane family separation and detention policies.

If you are receiving this email, you live in a state where one (or several) Tisha B’Av actions are planned. Please take a look at this list of events around the country and consider registering to attend a protest in your area this weekend >>

On a historically somber day for the Jewish people, we can show that our values drive us to stand up for other vulnerable communities when they face injustice and inhumanity.

On behalf of J Street, and all our allies in this fight, thank you for standing up for our values.

Shaina Wasserman
National Director of Rabbinic and Community Engagement

P.S. If you’d like a sign for the vigil, you can download our ‘Welcome the Stranger’ sign here.

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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