If we lived in a sane world, it would be out of the question that an indicted criminal who staged an insurrection and tried to steal an election could even RUN for president, much less win.
But we live in a country that’s been taken over by the MAGA mind virus. They do whatever Trump says, and every time he gets in legal trouble, they view him as a holy martyr... and they open their wallets.
Democrats, we cannot let them get away with it. We can’t let Trump make history yet again.
Fight The Right PAC is a trailblazing Democratic organization dedicated to taking the fight directly to Republicans at every level. And with the White House on the line in 2024, we need all hands on deck. Republicans will pull out every dirty trick to win, and Fight the Right will be there to make their attacks backfire! Join with fellow Democrats by clicking here to follow us on Facebook.