Dear Friend,

Our classrooms, once vibrant centers of debate and discovery, are being stifled. 

Last week we released our latest report, documenting 110 new educational gag orders introduced in 2023 aimed at restricting how educators – from elementary schools through universities –  talk about sexual orientation, gender identity, race, and American history. The threat these laws pose to academic freedom, free speech, and democracy itself is real and rising. But you can help.

Support PEN America
Your gift today will enable PEN America to fight against educational censorship by DOCUMENTING gag orders and laws nationwide, ORGANIZING coalitions of university leaders and community advocates to speak out and sound the alarm, CHALLENGING these laws via litigation lawsuits and amicus briefs, and CREATING resources to help you combat these threats in your own local communities.

With your generosity, we will ensure that our schools remain a home for all students and all ideas. 
Donate Today
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