Dear John,
Young Americans are spending 9 hours a day on their smartphones!
James Steyer, CEO, and founder of Common Sense Media says that that statistic "shows you that kids spend more time with media and technology than they do with their parents, time in school or any other thing. They are literally living in a 24/7 media and technology world."
And you wonder why socialism is spreading like wildfire and kids are brainwashed against our country?
The internet has become the new theatre of war. The war of ideas is being won and lost on the internet and social media.
The radical left has monopolized social media and the internet. If we have a chance of winning back the next generation we must fight in the same arena.
This is why ACT For America is launching a "Social Media War Room" and we need your help to reach, educate and mobilize young people especially in this pivotal 2020 election year.
That's why I am asking you to make an emergency donation of $35, $75, $100 or more to help us fight back against the radical left and win the war of ideas.
A study published in the journal Nature, “A 61-Million-Person Experiment in Social Influence and Political Mobilization,” said messages on users’ Facebook feeds could significantly influence voting patterns. The study data — analyzed suggested that certain messages promoted by friends “increased turnout directly by about 60,000 voters and indirectly through social contagion by another 280,000 voters, for a total of 340,000 additional votes.”
ACT For America has been one of the leading conservative organizations on social media. We had over 1 billion impressions last year which was influential in helping us shape public discourse. We're going to go even farther in 2020.
With your help in launching a Social Media War Room, we will strategize and launch viral campaigns alongside stakeholders to influence security dialogue. We are also going to take member coordination on social media content to the next level as well.
ACT is known for organizing locally while focusing on engaging in broader national issues. When it comes to engaging the social media ecosystem, our strategy is similar.
I am counting on you to make a crucial gift in support of this effort in the amount of $35, $75, $100 or more.
Our goal is to raise $500,000 in support of this "Social Media War Room" campaign. If you wish to sponsor the campaign in its entirety or give a generous gift please email [email protected].
This is a make or break year for our country. Freedom has defeated monarchies, communism, Fascism and Islamic extremism. It will defeat socialism too, we just have to stand up and act!
Together we rise in defense of freedom and win!
Brigitte Gabriel
P.S. President Trump has been fighting night and day to protect the country. He counts on people like you and me to stand up with him and stand for ourselves in fighting for America. The left is against us. The media is against us. Hollywood is against us. And now the Islamic extremists have partnered with the leftists against us. So it’s about time you and I fight back on their turf. Will you give a generous tax-deductible donation of $35 or more to ACT For America's Social Media War Room - and fight alongside us?