Dear John -

Our DC chapter meets this Saturday! The live webinar on Climate Communications starts at 12:45pm and the chapter meeting at 1:45pm. See other fantastic upcoming events below.
CCL March Action Meeting

Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan Earth Day activites, strategize conservative and student outreach, and build the political will to pass climate solutions in Congress. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!

March 14, 1:45pm
Cleveland Park Library

Webinar Watch Party

Before the chapter meeting join the live stream of CCL's live webinar with climate communications expert Hannah Pickard. Gear up with the tools to be an effective climate activist!

March 14, 12:45pm
Cleveland Park Library
Book Club: Don't Even Think About It

The CCL-DC book club is reading George Marshall's Don’t Even Think About It; Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change. You may have heard Debbie recommend this book since it’s her #1 climate suggestion. She says “The book explains not only climate deniers and skeptics, but also why even those who believe climate change is a problem aren’t doing everything they can to stop it. And why the problem lies squarely within the environmental movement ourselves.” 

March 28, 3:00pm
Cleveland Park Library

Axe Throwing

You're invited to the next CCL social--we're going axe throwing! Work out your climate anxieties and hang out with fellow climate activists : ) Building community makes us stronger as climate advocates. No axe required!

April 4, 5-7pm
Kraken Axes, 840 E St NW

Volunteer: Earth Day Cleanup 

We are joining the Anacostia Watershed Society for the annual Earth Day Cleanup. CCL has limited slots at River Terrace Park (opposite Kingman Island on the east side of the Anacostia River), alongside St. Matthews Creation Care Team. Reserve your spot today--love your mother <3

April 25, 9-12
River Terrace Park

Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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