including this news!

Hi team,

We’re so excited to announce that the Fairness Project is headed to Texas in March for SXSW!

Our team is hosting a panel on ballot measures and what they mean for progress nationwide.

This panel is filled with heavy hitters including Kelly Hall, our Executive Director, Prentiss Haney of Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Luz Maria Henriquez of the ACLU of Missouri and Chris Love of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona.

We want to continue to spread our message with platforms like SXSW, and that can only happen if we stay up-to-date on our fundraising. Will you chip in?


We’re looking forward to educating folks about how ballot measures can fire up voters, break through the partisan gridlock, and create much-needed change.

Because that's what we do. Most recently, we saw our work pay off in Ohio, and we’re excited to continue to empower people nationwide to help build democracy-powered movements. And it’s how since our founding we’ve won over 30 ballot measures across the country to pass paid sick leave, fair wages, and protect voters’ power at the ballot box.

The panel at SXSW is one of our largest panels yet, and we want to spend as much time as possible preparing for it. Here’s how you can help — if you rush a donation of $15 or more, we’ll be able to focus less on fundraising, and more on the movement. Are you down?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to the Fairness Project will go through immediately:
$5 $15
$25 $50
$100 Other

Thanks y'all!

— Fairness Project


Thanks to grassroots supporters like you, our team at the Fairness Project has won over 30 people-powered ballot measure campaigns since 2016, changing over 18 million lives by expanding health care, raising wages, guaranteeing paid leave, and ending predatory lending directly at the ballot box when politicians refuse to act. Your support allows us to make this progress possible.

Contributions or gifts to the Fairness Project are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to the Fairness Project support its many efforts nationwide and any focus is at the Fairness Project’s sole discretion. Contributions will not necessarily be used to support activity in any one state.

You can request to get only the most important emails from our team here, or you can unsubscribe. 

Paid for by the Fairness Project

The Fairness Project
P.O. Box 21337
Washington, DC 20009
United States