URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Protect an American national treasure on our public lands! Sign the petition now!
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The Chaco Canyon region in New Mexico is home to 1,000-year-old rock engravings and ancient houses of Indigenous Pueblo and Navajo communities.
This land remains deeply valued by Indigenous communities and also contains
vital water resources.
More than 91% of available lands in the Greater Chaco area are leased for
fracking! Every day, fracking rigs shake the ground, spew pollution, and produce contaminated wastewater in this special place.
With the help of activists like you, we successfully pushed the Department of
Interior to declare a temporary moratorium on oil drilling within 10-miles of
Chaco Canyon. Now, we need your help to permanently protect the Greater Chaco region and ensure
Tribes are given co-management of the lands! Please, Friend, help amplify Tribal demands and protect Chaco Canyon from greedy
companies! >>
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[[link removed]]Fracking spills, leaks, and explosions happen daily – and Indigenous people feel the impacts disproportionately due to their unique
relationship to the land and water. In Chaco Canyon, their historically and
culturally important sites can be damaged by fracking.
For more than a century, the federal government has treated the Greater Chaco
region as an energy “sacrifice zone,” dumping fracking leases onto these lands
at the expense of local communities. Will you help us reach our goal of 691 more signatures from
your area and tell the Department of Interior to protect Chaco
Canyon and meet Tribal demands?
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[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Raena Garcia
Senior Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
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