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Dear Friend,

Happy November! 

Thank you to all of you who attended or supported our Evening Over Violence and our Dia De Los Muertos events. We are grateful for the opportunities to continue to gather together in community, especially during times like this. We continue to stand for peace over violence at home and in our world. 

This month we also recognize Transgender Awareness Week (11/13-11/19) and Transgender Day of Remembrance (11/20). Trans and gender nonconforming people are 4x more likely to experience violence and/or abuse compared to cis people. Multiple studies indicate that over 50% of transgender people have experienced sexual violence at some point in their lives. This rate is nearly double (1 in 3 girls) or triple (1 in 6 boys) the commonly reported rates of sexual abuse. Check out our friends at GLAAD for more info and resources. 

Giving Tuesday is coming up on the 28th. Keep POV in mind for your year end giving and stay tuned as we launch our year end campaign next week. We can’t wait to share some of our stories with you!

POV held our annual Evening Over Violence gala on October 26, 2023, at the Taglyan Cultural Center in Hollywood. 275 supporters, community leaders, staff, and volunteers were there to celebrate this year's theme of Empowered Protection. It was quite a night!

The night began in Taglyan’s dazzling courtyard, where guests enjoyed cocktails (including our signature POV Pom Pom), walked the red carpet, posed for photos at our step-and-repeat and our branded photobooth, and tried their luck at our opportunity drawing.
Board President Mayanka Melville opened the evening by introducing POV's mission and commitment to survivor services, prevention, and education.

Performance artist & activist Kristina Wong received the first honor of the night--the Social Justice Humanitarian Award presented by Glen Curado, founder & CEO of World Harvest Food Bank. Kristina stressed that "healthy families are happy families are happy communities." 

Tony Porter, CEO of A Call to Men, was presented with the Visionary Humanitarian Award by A Call to Men's Chief Communications Officer Kimya Motley, for his efforts to transform society by promoting healthy, respectful manhood. Referred to as the "Denzel of the nonprofit world," Tony's work with men and boys has revolutionized the violence against women's movement.
This year, POV Executive Director/CEO Patti Giggans celebrated her 40th anniversary with the organization. She spoke about the evening's theme, Empowered Protection, and the vital need for education as a tool of self-empowerment for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. She also recognized POV staff & volunteers for their work in violence prevention, education, and survivor advocacy, met with much applause from the room!

Check out our photo gallery below for more snaps from the evening!

Patti's POV: What do we mean by empowered protection?

(Excerpt from Executive Director/CEO remarks at POV’s Evening Over Violence 2023 event 10/26/23)

It means that when we as humans become empowered…it is not POWER OVER.  It is POWER WITH. It is not just about the I - it is about the WE. There is a WE in Empowerment. 

Together we can empower and protect each other.

Traditionally, a woman needed a man or a husband to protect her. It was considered unladylike for women to stand up for themselves.  Children were taught to be silent about what happened to them …or not listened to or believed.. Marginalized communities were left with limited sources for help - calling the police or being lost in the maze of seeking help within bureaucracies that aren’t user friendly… it seemed like protection had to do with the other, outside entities, external systems or a manly protector. The individual was invisible and deemed powerless in their own protection. And it became evident that sometimes the person who is the protector is actually the abuser...


Annual community celebration | Celebración anual de la comunidad

Against the lively canvas of the Day of the Dead tradition, our Day Of The Dead Resource Fair transcended mere celebration, emerging as a space of support and resilience within our community.

The day was marked by the honoring of lives affected by domestic violence (DV) and teen dating violence (TDV). Beyond the vibrant festivities, the event provided a space for survivors to share their stories, uplift one another, and amplify their voices. The presence of Council Member Hugo Martinez, 13 community partners, and the dynamic engagement of our Youth Leadership Institute added layers of significance to the occasion.

With over 250 attendees, the atmosphere buzzed with activities such as face painting, butterfly making, and the rhythmic beats of lively music. Traditional Aztec dancing intricately wove a cultural thread, emphasizing the importance of honoring our ancestors.

This gathering, beyond its festive surface, reflects the resilience and commitment of our community to create a supportive environment. A sincere thank you to all who contributed to making this event a powerful testament to unity, remembrance, and empowerment.


Become a Volunteer!

Peace Over Violence encourages caring and compassionate individuals from the diverse communities of LA County to become trauma informed Counselor Advocates working directly with survivors of sexual and domestic violence. 

Upon completion of the training, you will be part of the Peace Over Violence Intervention Division’s Emergency Response Team, volunteering for either of the following programs: 24-Hour Hotline and Emergency Response Team or Domestic Abuse Response Team.

Training begins Wednesday, January 17, 2024*

Graduation: March 16, 2024
Weekly on Wednesdays: 6:30-9:30pm (via Zoom) and in-person Saturdays: 9am-5pm

1541 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Fl, Los Angeles CA 90017

*No training on holidays: February 14 and 17

To apply and for information regarding the training, please contact: [email protected]


Save the Date! 4/24/24


Join millions of people across the world that will wear jeans with a purpose, support survivors, and educate themselves and others about all forms of sexual violence. This year we will commemorate TWENTY FIVE YEARS of Denim Day.👖

POV Reads

US Supreme Court leans toward allowing domestic-violence gun curbs

By Andrew Chung and John Kruzel

U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday appeared inclined to uphold the legality of a federal law that makes it a crime for people under domestic violence restraining orders to have guns in the latest major case to test the willingness of its conservative majority to further expand gun rights.

FCC moves to help domestic violence victims with new rules around cellphones

By Noah Pransky

The Federal Communications Commission is expected to pass new regulations on Wednesday aimed at making cellphones more useful tools for domestic violence survivors trying to escape dangerous situations. 

How abortion bans are undercutting efforts to prevent domestic violence

By Jennifer Gerson and Shefali Luthra

OB-GYNs are often the first or only doctors to learn if a patient is facing intimate partner violence. As they leave places with abortion bans, domestic violence victims are feeling the impacts.

VOCA Funding Advocacy

The California Partnership to End Domestic Violence

Beginning July 2024, Cal OES is anticipating a reduction to California VOCA Victim Assistance Formula Grant Program as a result of declines in the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding.

Support healing services for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

Connect with us!


Metro Headquarters
1541 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300
Los Angeles, CA 90017

213.955.9090 office
213.955.9093 fax
213.785.2684 video
213.785.2749 video

West San Gabriel Valley Center
892 N Fair Oaks Ave, Suite D
Pasadena, CA 91103

626.584.6191 office
626.584.6193 fax
626.243.7972 video


Committed to social service, social change and social justice.

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1541 Wilshire Blvd.
3rd Fl
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