Let's send Nicholas to Chivalry Camp...
 Dear John xxxxxx,
Chivalry Camp starts this week.
And I said “Yes” to Nicholas and other boys who begged to come. Sadly, many boys face peer
pressure that drags them away from God. They are assaulted daily by immorality, drugs, alcohol, and porn.
But by the grace of God, we’re launching the Call to
Chivalry Camp in Arkansas this week. Dozens and dozens of boys are coming. The camp is such a success that there’s even a waiting list to get
in. But I’m
scrambling to find generous souls to sponsor one last boy in need -- his name is Nicholas!

Can you please sponsor Nicholas with a
much-needed gift?
Nicholas is from West Texas. He is so excited to come. And his family wants him to grow up without falling into the snares of immorality
and sin. But some
families struggle to make ends meet. And our budget is so strained that I am forced to turn to you for help.
I’m afraid that if I don’t raise enough funds,
I’ll have to turn Nicholas away. That would be sad!
Your gift, no matter the size, is crucial and will sponsor Nicholas at camp.
Click here to sponsor Nicholas today.
At TFP camp, one boy said:
“This has been the happiest time of my life.”
Another boy said:
"The camp was a great experience. I didn't think I'd ever
be able to come that close to Mary and my religion in nine days.”
Parents love the camp too:
“Christopher came home a changed boy. We prayed the rosary that night and he
stood at attention looking at the Crucifix!”
Another mom writes:
"We as moms who see a sick world cannot thank all of you enough -- be sure of our prayers as Our Blessed
Mother is more pleased with you than we are. You are very dear to Her Heart." Imagine if we can sponsor Nicholas at camp…
He’ll enjoy days filled with fun activities
and games and also religious talks and prayer. On a typical morning he’ll salute the flag, sing the Creed, and march off to breakfast singing a
hymn like We Want God. If
you sponsor Nicholas, he might win the camp tournament in archery, swordplay or memorization of the Ten Commandments of Chivalry as he learns to be
part of the new generation of strong Catholics.
Here’s how you can help:
- $25 helps pay for three meals
- $50 helps pay for
six meals
- $350 is a full sponsorship for Nicholas
Click here to send young Nicholas to
Nicholas will join other campers in publicly affirming his love for God. That’s right, counselors will bring the boys to a public prayer rally
against abortion. They will defend the unborn like real men.
But please know that even if you cannot afford one penny to send Nicholas to camp, you will be remembered in
our prayers and we will always think of you as a fellow friend in the good fight.
Chip in for Nicholas today if you
can. I
cannot do it without you! And I know God will bless you for giving generously.
Camp starts this week already.
With urgency, prayers, and gratitude,
 John Ritchie
TFP Student Action Director
www.tfpstudentaction.org |
P.S. -- If we manage to surpass our goal, the extra funds will go towards future youth
activities and TFP campaigns to restore Christian Civilization in America.
TFP Student Action
1358 Jefferson Road