Mayorkas is Aiding and Abetting

October marked the highest number of migrant encounters for any October on record. These record numbers prove what Texans already know: The crisis at our border is unsustainable and pose a serious threat to our homeland.

Just this year, nearly 200 of the encounters were individuals on the terror watchlist. With terrorism on the rise around the world, it's crucial we know exactly who these individuals are — but the administration has yet to provide that information to Congress and to Governor Abbott.

At this week's House Homeland Security Committee meeting, I questioned both FBI Director Wray and DHS Secretary Mayorkas on the record number of border encounters, and asserted why I believe Secretary Mayorkas' failed border policies have aided and abetted illegal immigration, human trafficking, cartel crime, and other illicit activity.

My full remarks from the hearing can be found below:

Click to watch

After giving my remarks, New York Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman had the audacity to call my criticism of Secretary Mayorkas "unwarranted." I've dealt with issues concerning our border for 25 years. I will not be silent when it is clear the Biden administration's failed open-border policies — and Secretary Mayorkas' dereliction of duty — have created the worst border crisis I've ever seen.

My full response to this ridiculous claim can be found below:

Click to watch

Working to Impeach Mayorkas

This is why on Monday, I voted to streamline the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas — along with the chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security and the vast majority of House Republicans.


Ultimately, Democrats used a procedural tactic to delay a final vote on the House floor by sending the impeachment resolution to the Committee on Homeland Security for further consideration. But rest assured that as a member of that committee, I will continue to push to impeach Secretary Mayorkas. 


In my 20 years in Congress, as former chairman of the Homeland Security Committee and as a former federal prosecutor tasked with securing our Texas border, I’ve never seen our border this broken and our homeland so vulnerable as a consequence of the reckless policies instituted by Secretary Mayorkas. His actions, or lack thereof, have made it clear that he is complicit in this crisis and has abdicated his solemn duty to protect the homeland. We need new leadership at Department of Homeland Security – TODAY.

Leading A Historic Trip to Israel

This week, I was proud to lead a bipartisan delegation on a trip to Israel for historic meetings with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant as Israel fights for its survival. The Prime Minister reminded me of Churchill in his moral and strategic clarity about the stakes of this campaign. I share his conviction that Israel's fight is truly a battle between barbarism and civilization — and civilization must win.

The Prime Minister told us they need three things from America: ammo, ammo, ammo. I'll continue urging Congress to work quickly to pass legislation that will get Israel the tools it needs to win this war.

Photos from the delegation's trip to Israel

I joined Face the Nation from Tel Aviv to discuss my trip to Israel and more. Watch below:

Click to watch

I also held a House-wide screening of footage from the October 7 massacre to show just how horrific, barbaric, and vile Hamas' invasion and murder of over 1,200 people was. I wanted to show my colleagues this video to ensure everyone knows that Israel was the victim of gruesome war crimes — not the other way around.

To hear my full remarks from a press conference after the screening, click below:

Click to watch

Afghanistan Under Taliban Rule

The Biden administration's deadly and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has left the country under the brutal control of the Taliban. These terrorists abuse women and children, steal humanitarian aid from starving Afghans, and take Americans hostage with no remorse. Yet administration officials meet with the Taliban frequently, praise the Taliban often, and haphazardly send billions of tax-payer dollars into Afghanistan.

It shouldn't be this way. This week, I held a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on the administration's Afghanistan policy since the botched withdrawal. We must develop policies that will ensure the U.S. is supporting innocent Afghans, not the Taliban.

Click below for my full opening remarks.

Click to watch

At the hearing, we also had the solemn privilege of hearing from Anna Corbett, the wife of a brave American soldier who has been wrongfully detained by the Taliban for over a year.

It was heartbreaking hearing the pain and suffering her husband Ryan has faced under the Taliban's evil regime. I don't give up, and I will fight hard for Ryan Corbett's safe return to his family. Click here to watch Ms. Corbett's full remarks.

ICYMI: Rep. McCaul TV Coverage

McCaul on Fox News' "Hannity"

"Hamas has to go. They have be eradicated from the planet if we can have any peace in the Middle East moving forward."

Click to watch

McCaul on Spectrum News' "Capital Tonight"

"[Prime Minister Netanyahu] gave a very powerful presentation, and it all started with the Hamas video, which was a gruesome, violent video that Hamas filmed themselves... I think anybody that saw that video would have a different perspective as to who the victim really is."

Click to watch

ICYMI: Rep. McCaul in the News

Daily Caller: ‘I Live In A Border State, You Don’t’: GOP Rep Tells Off Democrat For Defending Mayorkas On Border Crisis

Click to read

KXAN: Families of those kidnapped in Israel hold on to hope

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The Washington Post: House members emotional after seeing footage of Oct. 7 attack on Israel

Click to read
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