Supporters like you will be the most influential players in this election. 
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Mike Bloomberg 2020

Before you read on, you can let us know you're still in to defeat Trump in 2020:

I'M IN »

John --

A lot has happened since we last emailed you. But we're still here, and while we're no longer running a presidential campaign, we're hardly going to take a backseat in this election.

Our most important goal remains defeating Donald Trump. So we're going to spend the rest of the election trying to do just that. We're still in. Are you?

Add your name to say you're still in to defeat Trump in 2020:

America deserves a president who can bring our country back together and put us back on track. That won't happen on its own -- and it won't happen without our continued investment of time, resources, commitment, and our own networks.

That means that in the days and months ahead, we'll need to transform our grassroots network of supporters into some of the most influential players in this election. So:

  • We'll call on you to learn about Trump's record and share information with the folks you know.
  • We'll ask you to take action in key states and districts, and brush up on the most important issues facing America today.
  • We'll ask you to combat smears and disinformation, and spread the truth about what Democrats have planned to rebuild America.

It'll be hard work, but it'll pay off in November, when we make history.

This is the most important election of our lifetimes -- so what do you say? Are you in to make Trump a one-term president?

Add your name, and let's get it done.

Break's over.

- Team Bloomberg


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Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

Mike Bloomberg 2020
909 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10022
United States

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