We are so grateful for everyone who made calls, knocked doors, and talked to their friends to help Democrats win in the 2023 elections - and the work isn’t over! In Louisiana, candidates Gwen Collins-Greenup, Lindsey Cheek, and Dustin Granger all need your help ahead of the November 18th runoff. 

The DNC Call Crew is making calls to voters in Louisiana to discuss these critical runoff elections, focusing on rallying support for Democrats and engaging voters in volunteer opportunities. Click here to join us this coming Saturday, November 18th at 2:00PM ET to help make a difference and ensure that Democrats continue the success of last week!

Make Calls!

It is because of your hard work that Democrats have continued to win up and down the ballot. Thank you so much for all that you do and for continuing to be in the fight!

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Anniversary

In the two years since President Biden signed into law his landmark Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, communities across the country have been reaping the benefits of rebuilt roads and bridges, renewed transportation programs, clean drinking water, affordable access to the internet, and more — all helping to boost thousands of new good-paying jobs and build the economy from the bottom up and the middle out.

Despite Donald Trump’s empty promises, these historic investments in infrastructure failed to materialize during his term as he turned “infrastructure week” into a laughing stock. But even Republicans who voted against the bill recognize that President Biden is delivering an infrastructure decade with no community left behind.

Now, MAGA Republicans are trying to roll back the progress these investments are delivering to hand out tax breaks to the extremely wealthy and large corporations.

This historic and popular piece of legislation is one of the reasons that voters will vote to send Joe Biden and Kamala Harris back to the White House in 2024 so they can continue to deliver and finish the job.

On the second anniversary of President Biden’s historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison released the following statement

“Two years ago, President Biden delivered on his promise to reach across the aisle and repair our nation’s crumbling infrastructure when he signed the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Over the last two years, communities across America have been reaping the benefits: repaved roads and rebuilt bridges, renewed transportation programs, clean drinking water, expanded access to high speed internet, and so much more. Under Donald Trump, ‘infrastructure week’ was an empty punchline – but now even Republicans who voted against the president’s landmark legislation are trying to claim credit for the projects it made possible. This legislation is a testament to President Biden’s vision for stronger, safer communities and his ability to get things done where others have failed – and it’s yet another reason why Americans will send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to the White House to finish the job.”

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