I’ll never stop fighting for you.

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

This week I voted again to prevent a government shutdown.

I joined Democrats in doing the responsible thing to keep government services running and avoid the draconian budget cuts Republicans were seeking. These budget cuts would slash critical funding for public education, housing, climate justice, healthcare, and other vital programs that our communities depend on.

Republicans have even callously stripped community project funding for The Pryde, an affordable housing project for LGBTQ+ seniors in Massachusetts. This is funding that would meet a critical need in the district at a time when mortgages are skyrocketing and one-third of LGBTQ+ seniors nationwide are living in poverty.

So, yes, I voted again to avert a shutdown, but the extremist threat of the GOP still remains. Republicans are choosing homophobia over housing, profits over people, and cruelty over compassion.

I’ll say it again: Republicans are not fit to lead. We can’t continue playing this game of will they shut down the government or won’t they shut down the government every few months.

We must remain vigilant. Republicans are still trying to pass legislation that would take teachers out of classrooms, kick vulnerable families off rental assistance, and cut vital investments in low-income communities — all so they can criminalize abortion care and make it easier for the ultra-wealthy to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

We cannot allow them to keep taking us to the brink of a shutdown — that's not governing. And we cannot let them force their harmful and unpopular agenda on the people.

While Republicans keep pushing for cuts to critical, life-saving programs, I'll keep fighting for the policies and robust funding our communities need. If you’re able, please make a donation of $25 or more to fight back against Republican extremism and power this grassroots movement.

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I’ll never stop fighting for you.

Yours in service,
