EARTHDAY.ORG is pleased to present our first of five ‘plastic’
reports: Babies
VS. Plastics.
This is a primer on plastics, microplastics and their additive
chemicals in regards to how they impact children, with over 120
sources. It’s a guide for what every parent or prospective parent
should know. The report captures what studies from around the world
have been discovering about how babies ingest and inhale microplastics
in their daily lives and why they are so especially susceptible to it.
Plus, we cover how these tiny particles of plastics can bioaccumulate
inside the major organs of the body, and what the health consequences
might be.
Children seem to be especially are at risk from plastic exposure,
in a world seemingly designed to force feed them microplastics: from
the toys they teethe on to the clothes they wear, the playgrounds they
spend time in, even to the air they are breathing inside their own
more about the threats of plastics to the next
Governments and NGOs from around the world are currently gathered
in Nairobi to negotiate the terms of the United Nations Global Plastic
Treaty – but right now that Treaty draft ignores the issues of
plastics and health completely.
I am there for EARTHDAY.ORG trying to change that. But there are
over 143 lobbyists from the fossil fuel and chemical industry in
attendance too, trying to stop us. EARTHDAY.ORG is driving
awareness through this report, the first of five that will shine a
light on the critical problems that face our beautiful planet from
Check out the report and please share it widely with your friends.
through knowledge can we overcome.
In solidarity,
Aidan Charron Director, End Plastic Initiatives