As you may have heard through the grapevine, we passed a continuing resolution (CR) to avoid a pre-Thanksgiving government shutdown.
Much like last time, I was one of a minority of Republicans in the House to vote against it. I don’t care who is running the show, I won’t support kicking the can down the road. It just goes against everything I’ve promised the folks back home.
My aim is clear: I want to sit down and pass a real budget in budget hearings. I wasn’t a fan of loading this thing up with everything Speaker Pelosi and Chuck Schumer wanted, and let’s be honest, I never will be.
But here’s the silver lining…
First, the government will stay open and live to fight another day, which is important.
Second, we have a leader at the helm who I trust to keep his word and steer this ship in the right direction. Speaker Johnson was between a rock and a hard place, and I can fully acknowledge that this is the only dadgum thing he could push through.
I’m not going to name names, but unlike other leaders we’ve had in the past, Speaker Johnson has been transparent about his plans. No back-door deals, secret conversations, and definitely no throwing punches (hint hint, wink wink).
Speaker Johnson is tackling his new role the best way he can, and I have the utmost confidence in him. He understands that we’re 33 trillion dollars in debt, and I look forward to his efforts to pass single-subject appropriations bills in the future.
In a town where it’s hard to know who to trust, Speaker Johnson’s honest approach stands out among the crowd. I know he’s committed to doing right by the American people with some fiscal responsibility, and I look forward to the day we turn the page and get to that chapter in our history books.