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Friday, November 17th, 2023


Collapse of Trust in American Institutions

Doug Casey

The Dead-Enders Are Back

Tom Woods

Imperial Conquest: America’s ‘Long War’ Against Humanity

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Approve Moderna Jab and Get Jobs at Moderna!

John Leake

The Moral Conscience of the Western World Has Been Silenced

Paul Craig Roberts

Will The Unethical War on Trump in the Courts Backfire?

Ben Armstrong

And Then Biden Blew It … Again

Moon of Alabama

Adelle Davis: A Matriarch of Modern Nutrition

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Death of Inflation Is Greatly Exaggerated

Peter Schiff

If We Don’t Start Locking Up The Criminals, We Are Literally Going To Have To Lock Up Everything

Michael Snyder

False Accusations of Anti-Semitism Exploit a Healthy Impulse To Advance a Profoundly Sick One

Caitlin Johnstone

Israeli War: Assumptions vs Realities. An Analysis –

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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